
Chapter 11 Cont.

As Clarisse is making plans to escape Argus for good, Cyprian is dealing with his own long-standing issues. In a last ditch attempt at hooking Delphine for good, he has proposed to her with a lovely ring. However, both of them know that the answer was no a long time ago and that unfortunately for Cyprian, it still is. Delphine is much too independent for him, and needs something more than he can offer her. Of course, this does not change the fact that Cyprian had found the one person who knew about him, yet still accepted him; and I am sure in those days he was not too eager to tell too many other people his little secret. This was a big wake-up call for him. If anything, it made him realize just how trapped he was in his situation, and that only he had placed himself there. He was entirely dependent on Delphine for his stability, his nutrition, and he had no idea how to live without her. In his mind, they were already a family, but in hers they could never be family in the way that a man and woman who weren't already related should be. Thus, Cyprian runs to Clarisse with his tail between his legs and his head full of foolish anger, and the two of them run off to God-knows-where, leaving Delphine with still less people in her life.

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