
Chapter 6: The Night Garden

By now, as you can probably imagine, Eva has become quite sick and thus can be found most often in the company of Delphine. One night, sitting in the wildness of Eva's garden, both of them begin to explore their connection with nature. Delphine has a very interesting experience, the kind that stays with a person forever, to be remembered in times of sorrow. "When she shut her eyes, her mind grew alert. Her senses opened...she felt how quickly things formed and were consumed. How there was so much blind feeling" (Erdrich 111). Both her and Eva have come to a point where they must figure out their humanity, and it is a perfect night to sit and question their spirituality. There is a certain calm in the air, and a comfortable connection with nature that allows both Eva and Delphine to explore their feelings about the impending end to existence that faces both of them. It is a twilight zone of sorts, and it allows them to put a voice to their fears for the first time. Both of the women are realizing the darkness that awaits, how short their time on earth is, how strong their feelings are, and how inconceivable their purpose in life truly is. It is a simple conversation they are having between themselves and with nature, but what will also prove to be a profoundly life changing one.

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